Plugin Tag: stock market
Stock Charts by
(0 total ratings)Embed beautiful, dynamic stock charts within a page or post with a simple line of shortcode.
Mutual Funds Data
(1 total ratings)Show latest data about Indian Mutual Funds on your website, e.g. 1 yr, 3 yr, 5 yr returns, risk, category etc.
Inline Stock Quotes
(1 total ratings)Inline Stock Quotes is a WordPress plugin that allows users to use the [stock] shortcode to insert dynamically updating quotes into their posts.
Kite Publisher
(0 total ratings)Embed Kite Connect trade buttons on your posts/pages, and allow visitors to execute trades with just a couple clicks.
Stock Market Infographics by Simply Wall St
(0 total ratings)Embed any of the Simply Wall St stock infographics into your articles to supercharge your reader engagement.
Trade Ideas Vision
(1 total ratings)The Trade Ideas Vision plugin allows you to embed Trade Ideas layout windows into your articles with shortcode.
Interval Stock Price Refresher
(0 total ratings)This is a plugin which displays the hourly value of a stock symbol every 15 minutes.
Ticker Links
(0 total ratings)Enrich stock market content by providing links to current price, charts, and news from .