Dismiss try Gutenberg nag, dashboard widget, and demo menu, when it is activated, or automatically, if it is in mu-plugins directory. Development for this plugin, takes place at GitHub, and Travis CI. Dismiss Gutenberg Nag is the best companion of Dismiss Welcome Panel Nag, and Dismiss Browser Update Nag. Compatible with GlotPress translations. Work with Single and Multisite installation. Plugin approved in the repository of the plugin directory on 2017-11-05
This is not a replacement but just a tool for those who need it.
To date, try Gutenberg, preliminarily introduced in WP 4.9-beta3, in WP 4.9.5-beta1-42869, and WP 4.9.8-beta1-43502, respectively removed in WP 4.9-beta4, in WP 4.9-RC1, in WP 4.9-RC2, in WP 4.9-RC3, in WP 4.9.0, in WP 4.9.1, in WP 4.9.2, in WP 4.9.3, in WP 4.9.4, in WP 4.9.5-beta1-42883, in WP 4.9.5, in WP 4.9.6, in WP 4.9.7, in WP 4.9.9, in WP 5.0-alpha, and in WP 5.1-alpha, is embedded in core of WP 4.9.8 and WP 5.0+ according with this ticket and this ticket.
This plugin use Semantic Versioning MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH
Future version 1.0.6 disable Gutenberg Editor and replace it with Classic Editor.
Please note that this plugin does not add its custom code to WordPress (just to not create unexpected incompatibilities with Gutenberg or Classic Editor), but is limited only to the management and configuration of its functions, to offer the maximum of its experience of use, without introducing possible additional problems. Enjoy!
How Work?
By default try Gutenberg is displayed only for users with administrator capability in WordPress 4.9.8 but when the Gutenberg plugin is installed and activated, is displayed for all user capability type.
An option configuration page is added to the settings -> writing menu so that you can set the callout display according to your needs. Stick to the screenshots for more details.
A neat trick, is to put this single file dismiss-gutenberg-nag.php (not its parent directory) in the /wp-content/mu-plugins/ directory (create it if not exists) so you won’t even have to enable it, and will be loaded by default, also, since first step installation of WordPress setup!
This, is different from the other similar plugins, because uses the filter hook, and not the action hook. Filters should filter information, thus receiving information/data, applying the filter and returning information/data, and then used. However, filters are still action hooks. WordPress defines add_filter/remove_filter as “hooks a function to a specific filter action”, and add_action/remove_action as “hooks a function on to a specific action”.
What is Gutenberg?
Gutenberg is new block editor editing experience for WordPress 5.0+
About it
The code of this plugin, is not written with a php framework, but with a simple php editor, manually, compatible UTF-8 without BOM, and Unix LF. To avoid code corruption, do not edit it with WordPress embedded editor, or with any specifications incompatible editor.
Translated by: Luciano Croce
This is a stable project, but it is still in full development (in progress). The translations in the various languages will be done only for all the parts that certainly will not be changed several times in this phase.
Available soon in: American, Australian, Belgian FR, Brazilian, Canadian EN, Canadian FR, Catalan, Chilean, Colombian, English, French, German, Italian, New Zealander, Peruvian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swiss DE, Venezuelan, and more other languages in becoming.
Thanks to Andrea Gandino for preliminary Italian translation approval, before I became italian PTE of my plugins.
Thanks to Garrett Hyder for English (Canada) translation approval, and code contributions.
Thanks to Pascal Birchler for code contributions.
- Callout Configuration Option Settings
Conditionally dismiss “try Gutenberg” callout.
By default “try Gutenberg” callout is dismissed for all users type!
Once activated adds new options to the Settings -> Writing screen:
- Dismiss for all users.
- Dismiss for all users that not edit posts (edit_posts capability).
- Dismiss for all users specified (only for checked users).
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Contributors & Developers
“Dismiss Gutenberg Nag” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
Contributors“Dismiss Gutenberg Nag” has been translated into 6 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.
Translate “Dismiss Gutenberg Nag” into your language.
Interested in development?
Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.
Change log
Plugin approved in the directory on 2017-11-05
Detailed changes and beta version are available on GitHub.
Expected new versions 1.0.6 (2018-12-31) in becoming
- Preemptive support for transients (when possible)
- Preemptive support for disable Block Editor (Gutenberg)
- Preemptive support for replace Block Editor with Classic Editor
Release Date: November 23, 2018
- Code cleanup and optimisation
- Improved multisite compatibility
- Improved text strings for optimise translations
- Compatible with WordPress 5.0-RC
- Compatible with WordPress 5.0-beta5
- Compatible with WordPress 5.0-beta4
- Compatible with WordPress 5.0-beta3
- Compatible with WordPress 5.0-beta2
- Compatible with WordPress 5.0-beta1
- Compatible with Block Editor (Gutenberg)
- Compatible with Classic Editor (aka TinyMCE Editor)
- Preemptive support for WordPress 4.9.9-alpha
- Preemptive support for WordPress 5.0.1-alpha
- Preemptive support for WordPress 5.1.0-alpha
- Preemptive support for PHP 7.3+
- NEW Dismissed Gutenberg Demo Menu Nag
- NEW Dismissed Gutenberg Redirect Demo Nag
- FIXED Block Editor (Gutenberg) compatibility
- FIXED Classic Editor (aka TinyMCE Editor) compatibility
- FIXED Unexpected disabilitation of Block Editor (Gutenberg)
Release Date: August 06, 2018
- Compatible with WordPress 4.9.8
- Work with WordPress 4.9.8
- Preemptive support for WordPress 5.0-alpha
- Replaced register_activation_hook for mu-plugins compatibility
- NEW Add uninstall routine (only for single activation)
- FIXED Add missed muplugins_loaded function
Release Date: August 02, 2018
- Compatible with WordPress 4.9.8-RC3
- Compatible with WordPress 4.9.8-RC2
- Compatible with WordPress 4.9.8-RC1
- Compatible with WordPress 4.9.8-beta3
- Compatible with WordPress 4.9.8-beta2
- Compatible with WordPress 4.9.8-beta1-43502
- NEW Add callout configuration option settings
- NEW Add date_i18n autoformat – Thanks to Garrett Hyder!
- NEW Add get_locale autoformat – Thanks to Pascal Birchler!
- NEW Add requested variables to meet plugin guidelines
Release Date: March 22, 2018
- Compatible with WordPress 4.9.5-beta1-42869
- Work with WordPress 4.9.5-beta1-42869
Release Date: November 05, 2017
- Compatible with WordPress 4.9-beta3
- Work with WordPress 4.9-beta3
- Make sure that run under WP 4.9-beta3 or greater
- Work with PHP 5.2.4 to 7.1+ ~ 7.2+
- Make sure that run under PHP 5.2.4 or greater
- Compatible with MySQL 5.5+ and 5.6+ or greater
- Compatible with MariaDB 5.5+ and 10.0+ or greater
- Compatible with GlotPress translations
- Compatible with load_plugin_textdomain Function
- Compatible with load_muplugin_textdomain Function
Release Date: October 30, 2017
- First initial release of the plugin
- Use the filter hook and not the action hook
- Compatible with WordPress Multisite
- Compatible with mu-plugins directory
- Compatible with 1st step installation setup
- Compatible with the Famous 5 Minute Installation
- Compatible with MySQL 5.0+ or greater
- Requires WordPress Version 4.9-beta3 or greater
- Requires PHP Version 5.2.4 or greater